Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Reading Promise

After being inspired by the book, The Reading Promise by Alice Ozma, Kyler and I are on a mission to have our own "Reading Promise." The premise of Alice Ozma's book is that she and her father had a reading promise that they would read books together every night. That is...until she went to college. Reading the book felt a little like watching Toy Story 3, when Andy goes to college and gives his toys away to that little girl. Tear jerker! I actually met Alice last year when she came to a local children's bookstore to sign books. Long story short, that's what I have been doing this month- reading with my children. So, ultimately, this means that my own personal book choices have had to hit the back burner. I will NEVER get these precious minutes back when I can read with my son, so I could care less. It has been so wonderful to curl up, and read together. I do  miss my chick lit, though!

I'll share with you book #1 of our reading promise:

Middle School the Worst Years of my Life by James Patterson. Kyler loved this book! It was very engaging for a young boy (9-12), and has pictures to go along with some of the text, which Kyler loves. The writing is superior to the Wimpy Kid series (his fave), and this book does deal with some heavy subject matter. I loved the conversations we got into as the story twisted and turned. The important thing is that Ky was totally into it, and always said, "one more chapter." Some nights my eyes would be closing, but he wanted more, so I kept chugging along. 

Here's his say on the book:
"I'm too surprised about the book, I can't say anything. It was so good." 

Eloquent, right? Errr...we're working on elaborating responses. 

Next up:
A Sequel!

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